Melbourne Clinics


After 31 years of practice, a/Prof Sasse will retire on 28.11.24. Normal services will continue until that date. New referrals for sleep disorders will be accepted until 18.10.24. If you are a current patient of a/Prof Sasse, please contact your GP to ensure your continuity of care by referral to an alternative specialist.

Your GP has been kept up to date with care provided by a/Prof Sasse including a letter from every visit and relevant results.

If you require assistance, please email or phone 5174 5901 Mon- Thurs. 


Knox Private Hospital

Ph: 9210 7300

Fax: 9210 7301


Gippsland Clinics


After 31 years of practice in the Latrobe region, a/Prof Sasse will retire on 28.11.24. Normal services will continue until that date. New referrals for sleep disorders will be accepted until 18.10.24. If you are a current patient of a/Prof Sasse, please contact your GP to ensure your continuity of care by referral to an alternative specialist.

Your GP has been kept up to date with care provided by a/Prof Sasse including a letter from every visit and relevant results.

If you require assistance, please email or phone 5174 5901 Mon- Thurs. 

Tuesdays & Wednesdays.

Lafayette Street Specialist Centre

2 Lafayette Street


Ph: 5174 5901  (a/Prof Sasse patients ONLY)

Fax: 5176 2611

Other specialists working from Lafayette Specialist Centre can be contacted on 51762600

Sleep Units

Sleep Lab

The Sleep Lab in Traralgon offers overnight sleep studies for Diagnosis and treatment including CPAP Implement sleep studies and MSLT’s ( Multiple Sleep Latency Test). Bookings require a referral from a G.P or specialist. This testing is attended by a Sleep Technician in a comfortable setting.

Home Sleep Studies

Home Sleep Studies are available throughout Gippsland including:

Lakes Entrance

In the Melbourne Metropolitan Area they can be arranged in:


and surrounding areas.

A referral from a General Practitioner is required and this should be faxed through to the Traralgon Office on 5176 2611.